Archive for March, 2011

Let Yourself Be Moved…by the work of Candice Salyers

March 31st, 2011  |  by  |  published in featured, featured artists

Let Yourself Be the work of Candice Salyers

  If, sometime soon, you round a corner in Northampton and find a woman lying on the ground outlined in chalk don’t stop and gawk or rush by in horror. You many have just happened upon a performance work by Candice Salyers. Thus, you may have just been offered the opportunity to take a moment, […]

JR: Using Art to Turn the World INSIDE OUT

March 30th, 2011  |  by  |  published in C3 picks

JR: Using Art to Turn the World INSIDE OUT

If you haven’t hear of JR’s work yet, you need to watch this. If you’ve been reading all about him and haven’t seen his TED speech yet, you HAVE to watch this. After you do, C3 wants to know: If you were to participate in JR’s wish, where would you do it, and whose portraits […]

Art and Sheer Audacity: Timur Bekbosunov and the Future of Opera

March 29th, 2011  |  by  |  published in inspiration, Uncategorized

Art and Sheer Audacity: Timur Bekbosunov and the Future of Opera

In this inspiration post, I am taking my hat off to new friend and colleague in the world of experimental opera, Timur Bekbosunov. Timur’s work includes his glam-opera indie/pop avant-garde band Timur and the Dime Museum (, his performance and collaboration in the visually lush and wonderfully garish film works of Sandra Powers (check out […]

C3 in the press!

March 25th, 2011  |  by  |  published in C3 news

C3 in the press!

This week’s Valley Advocate gave major props to C3 this week, recognizing the Dynamite Space as “an emblem of the shocking dearth of available spaces in the Valley, as well as a tribute to the ingenuity and determination of people to make do in order to make art”.  The article, “Stage Struck- Making Art While […]

Getting Cozy with Angela Zammarelli

March 22nd, 2011  |  by  |  published in featured artists

Getting Cozy with Angela Zammarelli

In a world increasingly full of sharp angles and hard lines, it’s refreshing (and necessary!) to find the soft spots. Angela Zammarelli creates nooks, nests, forts, sculptures, characters, objects and installations that breathe spunk, charm, and quirk into life. Angela is a gentle warrior, collecting the cobwebs from our imaginations and re-spinning them into fantastic […]

Introducing Seth Lepore: Monologuist, Musician, Man-About-Town

March 17th, 2011  |  by  |  published in featured artists

Introducing Seth Lepore: Monologuist, Musician, Man-About-Town

After running into Seth at the Forbes Library and learning that yes, we share a mutual spirit animal (the Fox), AND receiving the honor of meeting his other spirit animal live, in-person (whose identity will be revealed in the course of this interview…), Seth was my clear choice for featured artist this week. A multi-faceted […]

music to my eyeballs.

March 12th, 2011  |  by  |  published in inspiration

music to my eyeballs.

Sometimes I beat up on myself for looking at paintings online more than actually making them myself.  Then I come across an artist like Steve Roden and it’s all worth it.  I’m a sucker for juxtaposed pattern and saturated color.  Steve Roden is an audio and visual artist from Los Angeles.  But you can read […]

Catching up with Jessica Sabogal

March 10th, 2011  |  by  |  published in featured artists

Catching up with Jessica Sabogal

I recently heard from Jessica Sabogal about her take on art as a tool for social, political, and self-expression. This powerhouse visual artist is buzzing with passion and compassion. Feast your minds on some highlights from our interview. What are you trying to communicate or explore in your work? In the grand scheme of it […]

BUREAU FOR OPEN CULTURE: Making New Learning Sites – a talk by Jim Voorhies

March 7th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Featured Events

BUREAU FOR OPEN CULTURE: Making New Learning Sites - a talk by Jim Voorhies

Bureau for Open Culture is a nomadic institution for the contemporary arts working to intentionally re-imagine the art exhibition as a new kind of learning site by initiating collaborations with art and academic institutions.  Jim Voorhies, director, curator and art historian, will talk about past, current and future work of Bureau for Open culture and […]

C3 loves to dance

March 6th, 2011  |  by  |  published in inspiration

C3 loves to dance

Before last week’s C3 meeting came to a close, we found ourselves in a  five minute, free-style dance circle.  It felt great (and since the dancing at the Awkward Potluck  event, I think there’s been improvement! ) As I walked home after the meeting, I remembered Emma Goldman’s quote, “If I can’t dance I don’t […]