Archive for April, 2012

Pioneer Valley Zine Fest Art Show @ Flywheel

April 24th, 2012  |  by  |  published in Featured Events

Pioneer Valley Zine Fest Art Show @ Flywheel

Come see work by some local favorites including C3’s own Perry Baron Huntoon @ Flywheel on Saturday in conjunction with the Pioneer Valley Zine Fest! It’s gonna be rad!  RSVP on Facebook: See info about the entire Pioneer Valley Zine Fest here:

Montview Diaspora Plant Swap, Storytelling & Mapping Extravaganza

April 23rd, 2012  |  by  |  published in C3 news, featured, Featured Events

Montview Diaspora Plant Swap, Storytelling & Mapping Extravaganza

Come celebrate Montview Neighborhood Farm, Northampton’s first CSA and public food forest, and participate in its transformation! Saturday, May 5th from 12-5pm in the Dynamite Space (basement of Thorne’s Market), Northampton, MA.  <<Bring plants and seeds to swap>> <<Share stories about what it has meant to you: the farm, the land, the plants, the food, the […]

Art Installation Facilitates Face-to-Face converstations at the WHOO Space

April 22nd, 2012  |  by  |  published in C3 news, C3 picks, featured, Featured Events

Art Installation Facilitates Face-to-Face converstations at the WHOO Space

Join C3 collective member Carolyn Clayton for WITHIN RANGE May 2nd-May13th WHOO Space, 11 Market St. Northamptoon Open Daily Opening reception May 2nd 5-8pm Community members of Northampton and the greater Pioneer Valley are encouraged to take part in this lighthearted and fun social experiment. Clayton presents handcrafted walkie-talkies. There are 50 pairs, each a […]

Exploring the Complex Terrain of Being Human with Krista DeNio

April 9th, 2012  |  by  |  published in featured, featured artists, Uncategorized

Exploring the Complex Terrain of Being Human with Krista DeNio

Krista DeNio works in multiple ways, on multiple fronts. A choreographer, director, performer, writer, educator and arts administrator, Krista relocated to Western Massachusetts from New York City in 2009 to head-up Earthdance, an artist-run workshop & retreat center located in Plainfield, MA. In this capacity, Krista has brought innovative programming to the region including the Western Mass […]

1 night + 2 artists + 3 projectors = 4Walls

April 9th, 2012  |  by  |  published in featured, Featured Events

1 night + 2 artists + 3 projectors = 4Walls

We continue our monthly interactive one-night installation series 4Walls on April 13th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm in the Dynamite Space, located on the bottom floor of Thornes Marketplace. This month’s 4Walls presents the work of Burns Maxey and Sara Smith, two innovative Western Massachusetts artists working across diverse artistic disciplines. Both artists will share work […]

The Proof is in the Drawings

April 9th, 2012  |  by  |  published in C3 news, C3 picks, Featured Events

The Proof is in the Drawings

C3 friends and local Northampton artists exhibit their work in Proof at the Northampton Center for the Arts.  Come celebrate three local artists and three eclectic drawing practices! Proof is an exhibition of materially responsive drawings by the artists Jenni Sussman, Lena Schmid, and Matthew Samolewicz.  The proof is in the drawings and the drawings […]

$$$ 4 YR ART

April 3rd, 2012  |  by  |  published in C3 picks, featured

$$$ 4 YR ART

Ok Team, The time has come for Northampton Arts Council’s Spring round of ArtsEZ grants! This is a great opportunity to find more funding for that sweet project you’ve been cooking up. The application isn’t tough and can be well worth your time. Do it!!!!!!! To download revised ArtsEz 2012 guidelines and an application–click here. […]