Wild Life Sanctuary STUDIO

July 18th, 2011  |  by Published in featured, inspiration, space  |  1 Comment

For well over a decade, Rythea Lee’s WILD LIFE SANCTUARY has been offering affordable studio space/time for artists and other folks who need to practice, teach, rehearse, play, dance, party, meet, and perform.

It’s at the Arts & Industry Building at 221 Pine Street in Florence. TOTALLY bike-able from downtown Noho. And totally walkable, if you like long walks!

Rythea + Wild Life Sanctuary studio have served as the foundational support to my own (and others) creative life, artistic growth, and connection to the community for the last ten years.  I’ve partaken in SO many classes, workshops, sessions, parties, performances, and meetings there — as the guest or student, and as the host or facilitator! Sometimes I lament that there isn’t an amazing photo-collection that’s been documenting all the amazing things that happen in here.  So much of my own personal and artistic progress has been possible due to the touchstones of learning, inspiration, personal connection, and practice that have happened inside the walls of THIS space:

There is a wide-open wooden dance floor, a furnished nook, and an art loft (which is currently mine!). There’s a stereo, backjacks & pillows, natural light, a smooth white wall, a painted brick wall, and LOTS of positive mojo from all the creative, transformative, healing ART and community experiences that Rythea and others have consistently cultivated in there over the years.

Here’s an excerpt from Rythea’s July 17, 2011 announcement:

Do you want to lead a class series or workshop or run some regular rehearsals this Fall? My studio is open Thursday nights as a regular time to rent. The other nights are generally full, but Wednesday will open up in November.  Also, the weekends are fairly open at my studio for workshops and more extensive events.

So much happens at the Wild Life Sanctuary. I am so happy to have created a place where creative, expressive, and life changing connection happens.  Let me know if you want to rent for your events or rehearsals. I have an hourly rate and a monthly fee (which is discounted) for those who rent more long-term.

Email or call me for more info.

Rythea Lee


Learn more about Rythea Lee here on C3’s Featured Artists interview page!



  1. Michelle says:

    July 19th, 2011at 2:37 am(#)

    The Wildlife Sanctuary Studio has been a comfortable & freeing space for some of my past doula trainings. It’s an adaptable space, appreciated by all who use it!

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